Tutorial 2: Building and Training Random Forest Models#
Week 2, Day 4, AI and Climate Change
Content creators: Deepak Mewada, Grace Lindsay
Content reviewers: Mujeeb Abdulfatai, Nkongho Ayuketang Arreyndip, Jeffrey N. A. Aryee, Paul Heubel, Jenna Pearson, Abel Shibu
Content editors: Deepak Mewada, Grace Lindsay
Production editors: Paul Heubel, Konstantine Tsafatinos
Our 2024 Sponsors: CMIP, NFDI4Earth
Tutorial Objectives#
Estimated timing of tutorial: 35 minutes
In this tutorial, you will
Learn about decision trees and hyperparameters
Learn about random forest models
Understand how regression models are evaluated (R\(^2\))
Familiarize yourself with the scikit-learn package
# imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # For plotting graphs
import pandas as pd # For data manipulation
import ipywidgets as widgets # interactive display
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor # For Random Forest Regression
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor # For Decision Tree Regression
from sklearn.tree import plot_tree # For plotting decision trees
Install and import feedback gadget#
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# @title Install and import feedback gadget
!pip3 install vibecheck datatops --quiet
from vibecheck import DatatopsContentReviewContainer
def content_review(notebook_section: str):
return DatatopsContentReviewContainer(
"", # No text prompt
"url": "https://pmyvdlilci.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/klab",
"name": "comptools_4clim",
"user_key": "l5jpxuee",
feedback_prefix = "W2D4_T2"
Figure Settings#
Show code cell source
# @title Figure Settings
import ipywidgets as widgets # interactive display
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
Set random seed#
Executing set_seed(seed=seed)
you are setting the seed
Show code cell source
# @title Set random seed
# @markdown Executing `set_seed(seed=seed)` you are setting the seed
# Call `set_seed` function in the exercises to ensure reproducibility.
import random
import numpy as np
def set_seed(seed=None):
if seed is None:
seed = np.random.choice(2 ** 32)
print(f'Random seed {seed} has been set.')
# Set a global seed value for reproducibility
random_state = 42 # change 42 with any number you like
Random seed 42 has been set.
Video 1: Building and training Random Forest Models#
Submit your feedback#
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# @title Submit your feedback
Submit your feedback#
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# @title Submit your feedback
Section 1: Preparing the Data for Model Training#
In this video, we learned about:
Using regression for prediction tasks, like the one we have.
The conceptual understanding of decision trees and their regression capabilities.
Random forests as an ensemble of decision trees.
Training our model
Measuring model performance.
Utilizing the scikit-learn toolbox for regression tasks.
Section 1.1: Loading the data#
Remember from the previous tutorial how we loaded the training_data
Let’s again load the data here for this tutorial.
#Load Dataset
url_Climatebench_train_val = "https://osf.io/y2pq7/download"
training_data = pd.read_csv(url_Climatebench_train_val)
Next, we will prepare the data to train a model to predict temperature anomalies in 2050. Let’s also remind ourselves of what the data contains:
Section 1.2: Preparing the data#
# Check column names (assuming a pandas DataFrame)
print("Column names:")
print(training_data.columns.tolist()) # List all column names
Column names:
['scenario', 'lat', 'lon', 'tas_2015', 'pr_2015', 'pr90_2015', 'dtr_2015', 'tas_FINAL', 'CO2_2015', 'SO2_2015', 'CH4_2015', 'BC_2015', 'CO2_2016', 'SO2_2016', 'CH4_2016', 'BC_2016', 'CO2_2017', 'SO2_2017', 'CH4_2017', 'BC_2017', 'CO2_2018', 'SO2_2018', 'CH4_2018', 'BC_2018', 'CO2_2019', 'SO2_2019', 'CH4_2019', 'BC_2019', 'CO2_2020', 'SO2_2020', 'CH4_2020', 'BC_2020', 'CO2_2021', 'SO2_2021', 'CH4_2021', 'BC_2021', 'CO2_2022', 'SO2_2022', 'CH4_2022', 'BC_2022', 'CO2_2023', 'SO2_2023', 'CH4_2023', 'BC_2023', 'CO2_2024', 'SO2_2024', 'CH4_2024', 'BC_2024', 'CO2_2025', 'SO2_2025', 'CH4_2025', 'BC_2025', 'CO2_2026', 'SO2_2026', 'CH4_2026', 'BC_2026', 'CO2_2027', 'SO2_2027', 'CH4_2027', 'BC_2027', 'CO2_2028', 'SO2_2028', 'CH4_2028', 'BC_2028', 'CO2_2029', 'SO2_2029', 'CH4_2029', 'BC_2029', 'CO2_2030', 'SO2_2030', 'CH4_2030', 'BC_2030', 'CO2_2031', 'SO2_2031', 'CH4_2031', 'BC_2031', 'CO2_2032', 'SO2_2032', 'CH4_2032', 'BC_2032', 'CO2_2033', 'SO2_2033', 'CH4_2033', 'BC_2033', 'CO2_2034', 'SO2_2034', 'CH4_2034', 'BC_2034', 'CO2_2035', 'SO2_2035', 'CH4_2035', 'BC_2035', 'CO2_2036', 'SO2_2036', 'CH4_2036', 'BC_2036', 'CO2_2037', 'SO2_2037', 'CH4_2037', 'BC_2037', 'CO2_2038', 'SO2_2038', 'CH4_2038', 'BC_2038', 'CO2_2039', 'SO2_2039', 'CH4_2039', 'BC_2039', 'CO2_2040', 'SO2_2040', 'CH4_2040', 'BC_2040', 'CO2_2041', 'SO2_2041', 'CH4_2041', 'BC_2041', 'CO2_2042', 'SO2_2042', 'CH4_2042', 'BC_2042', 'CO2_2043', 'SO2_2043', 'CH4_2043', 'BC_2043', 'CO2_2044', 'SO2_2044', 'CH4_2044', 'BC_2044', 'CO2_2045', 'SO2_2045', 'CH4_2045', 'BC_2045', 'CO2_2046', 'SO2_2046', 'CH4_2046', 'BC_2046', 'CO2_2047', 'SO2_2047', 'CH4_2047', 'BC_2047', 'CO2_2048', 'SO2_2048', 'CH4_2048', 'BC_2048', 'CO2_2049', 'SO2_2049', 'CH4_2049', 'BC_2049', 'CO2_2050', 'SO2_2050', 'CH4_2050', 'BC_2050']
First, we will drop the scenario
column from the data as it is just a label, but will not be passed into the model.
0 ssp126
1 ssp126
2 ssp126
3 ssp126
4 ssp126
3235 ssp370-lowNTCF
3236 ssp370-lowNTCF
3237 ssp370-lowNTCF
3238 ssp370-lowNTCF
3239 ssp370-lowNTCF
Name: scenario, Length: 3240, dtype: object
As we can see, scenario is no longer in the dataset:
print("Column names:")
print(training_data.columns.tolist()) # List all column names
Column names:
['lat', 'lon', 'tas_2015', 'pr_2015', 'pr90_2015', 'dtr_2015', 'tas_FINAL', 'CO2_2015', 'SO2_2015', 'CH4_2015', 'BC_2015', 'CO2_2016', 'SO2_2016', 'CH4_2016', 'BC_2016', 'CO2_2017', 'SO2_2017', 'CH4_2017', 'BC_2017', 'CO2_2018', 'SO2_2018', 'CH4_2018', 'BC_2018', 'CO2_2019', 'SO2_2019', 'CH4_2019', 'BC_2019', 'CO2_2020', 'SO2_2020', 'CH4_2020', 'BC_2020', 'CO2_2021', 'SO2_2021', 'CH4_2021', 'BC_2021', 'CO2_2022', 'SO2_2022', 'CH4_2022', 'BC_2022', 'CO2_2023', 'SO2_2023', 'CH4_2023', 'BC_2023', 'CO2_2024', 'SO2_2024', 'CH4_2024', 'BC_2024', 'CO2_2025', 'SO2_2025', 'CH4_2025', 'BC_2025', 'CO2_2026', 'SO2_2026', 'CH4_2026', 'BC_2026', 'CO2_2027', 'SO2_2027', 'CH4_2027', 'BC_2027', 'CO2_2028', 'SO2_2028', 'CH4_2028', 'BC_2028', 'CO2_2029', 'SO2_2029', 'CH4_2029', 'BC_2029', 'CO2_2030', 'SO2_2030', 'CH4_2030', 'BC_2030', 'CO2_2031', 'SO2_2031', 'CH4_2031', 'BC_2031', 'CO2_2032', 'SO2_2032', 'CH4_2032', 'BC_2032', 'CO2_2033', 'SO2_2033', 'CH4_2033', 'BC_2033', 'CO2_2034', 'SO2_2034', 'CH4_2034', 'BC_2034', 'CO2_2035', 'SO2_2035', 'CH4_2035', 'BC_2035', 'CO2_2036', 'SO2_2036', 'CH4_2036', 'BC_2036', 'CO2_2037', 'SO2_2037', 'CH4_2037', 'BC_2037', 'CO2_2038', 'SO2_2038', 'CH4_2038', 'BC_2038', 'CO2_2039', 'SO2_2039', 'CH4_2039', 'BC_2039', 'CO2_2040', 'SO2_2040', 'CH4_2040', 'BC_2040', 'CO2_2041', 'SO2_2041', 'CH4_2041', 'BC_2041', 'CO2_2042', 'SO2_2042', 'CH4_2042', 'BC_2042', 'CO2_2043', 'SO2_2043', 'CH4_2043', 'BC_2043', 'CO2_2044', 'SO2_2044', 'CH4_2044', 'BC_2044', 'CO2_2045', 'SO2_2045', 'CH4_2045', 'BC_2045', 'CO2_2046', 'SO2_2046', 'CH4_2046', 'BC_2046', 'CO2_2047', 'SO2_2047', 'CH4_2047', 'BC_2047', 'CO2_2048', 'SO2_2048', 'CH4_2048', 'BC_2048', 'CO2_2049', 'SO2_2049', 'CH4_2049', 'BC_2049', 'CO2_2050', 'SO2_2050', 'CH4_2050', 'BC_2050']
Next, we need to pull out our target variable (that is, the variable we want our model to predict). Here that is tas_FINAL
, the temperature anomaly in 2050. The anomalies in every case are calculated by subtracting the annual means of the pre-industrial scenario from the annual means of the respective scenario of interest.
target = training_data.pop('tas_FINAL')
0 0.848419
1 0.737915
2 0.588806
3 0.522766
4 0.776642
3235 1.626139
3236 1.804036
3237 1.925557
3238 2.026601
3239 2.162618
Name: tas_FINAL, Length: 3240, dtype: float64
Note: we will need to repeat these preprocessing steps anytime we load this (or other) data.
Section 2: Fit Decision Tree and Random Forest#
Now we can train our models. As mentioned in the video, Decision Trees and Random Forest Models can both do regression. Specifically:
Decision Tree Regression:
Decision trees recursively partition the feature space into regions based on feature values to predict the target variable.
Each leaf node represents a prediction.
Single trees can be prone to capturing noise in the data (not what we want!).
Random Forest Regression:
An ensemble method that combines multiple decision trees to improve predictive performance.
Each tree is trained on a random subset of the data.
Aggregates predictions of individual trees to improve performance.
Typically more robust/doesn’t capture noise.
We will see an example of both here.
First, let’s train a single decision tree to try to predict 2050 temperature anomalies using 2015 temperature anomalies and emissions data. We can control the depth of our decision tree (which is the maximum number of splits performed), which we will set to 20 here.
Section 2.0: Scikit-learn#
In this and coming sub-sections, we will utilize Scikit-learn, commonly referred to as sklearn
, a renowned Python library extensively employed for machine learning endeavors. It provides a comprehensive array of functions and tools tailored for various machine learning tasks. Specifically, we will concentrate on the DecisionTreeRegressor
and RandomForestRegressor
modules offered by Scikit-learn.
Section 2.1: Training the Decision Tree and Analyzing the Results#
# instantiate the model:
dt_regressor = DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=random_state,max_depth=20)
# fit/train the model with the data:
dt_regressor.fit(training_data, target) #pass in the model inputs and the target it should predict
DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=20, random_state=42)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with nbviewer.org.
DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=20, random_state=42)
We’ve trained our first model! Now let’s see how well it performs. As discussed in the video, we will use the coefficient of determination (also known as the R-squared value, \(R^2\)) as the measure of how well the model is doing.
We can get this value by calling the score
function and providing the data we want the score calculated on. Here we will evaluate the model on the same data it was trained on.
Learn more about the R-Squared value and Coefficient of determination
The R-squared value indicates the proportion of the variance in the target variable that is predicted from the model.
Specifically, the coefficient of determination is calculated using the formula:
\(\color{#FF9900}{SS_{\text{total}}}\) represents the total sum of squares, calculated as the sum of squared differences between the target variable \(\color{#2CA02C}{y}\) and its mean \(\color{#2CA02C}{\bar{y}}\):
\(\color{#DC3912}{SS_{\text{residual}}}\) denotes the residual sum of squares, computed as the sum of squared differences between the observed target values \(\color{#2CA02C}{y}\) and the predicted values \(\color{#FF5733}{\hat{y}}\) provided by the model:
The \(\color{#3182CE}{R^2}\) score thus quantifies the proportion of variance in the target variable that is predictable from the independent variables in the model.
This value ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 indicates a perfect fit, meaning the model explains all the variability in the target variable.
dt_regressor.score(training_data, target)
Now, let’s create a scatter plot to compare the true temperature anomaly values in 2050 to those predicted by the model:
Scatter Plot: Predicted vs. True Temperatures for Decision Tree#
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# @title Scatter Plot: Predicted vs. True Temperatures for Decision Tree
# Get predicted values
predicted = dt_regressor.predict(training_data)
# Create scatter plot
plt.scatter(predicted, target, color='b', label='Comparison of Predicted and True Temperatures')
plt.plot([0, 4], [0, 4], color='r', label='Ideal Line') # Add a diagonal line for reference
plt.xlabel('Predicted Temperatures (K)')
plt.ylabel('True Temperatures (K)')
plt.title('Annual mean temperature anomaly', fontsize=14)
# Add a caption with adjusted y-coordinate to create space
caption_text = 'The anomalies are calculated by subtracting the annual means of the pre-industrial scenario from \nthe annual means of the respective scenario.'
plt.figtext(0.5, -0.03, caption_text, ha='center', fontsize=10) # Adjusted y-coordinate to create space
What can we conclude from this score and the scatter plot?
First, pause and think by yourself. Then, compare it with the information provided here:
As we can see, the model achieves a high score of ~0.9984 on the training data. This indicates that the model can explain approximately 99.84% of the variance in the target variable based on the features in the training dataset. Such a high score suggests that the model fits the training data very well and can effectively capture the underlying patterns or relationships between the features and the target variable. We can see the close alignment between the true value and the value predicted by the model in the plot.
However, it’s essential to note that achieving a high score on the training data does not guarantee the model’s performance on unseen data (i.e., the test or validation datasets). We will explore this more in the next tutorial.
Interactive Demo 2.1: Variation in Performance with depth | Visualizing Decision Trees and Scatter plot#
In this interactive demo, we’ll visualize decision trees using a widget. This widget enables interactive exploration of decision trees by adjusting two parameters:
controls the tree’s complexity during training, while dt_vis_depth
determines the depth of the tree to visualize. It dynamically trains a decision tree regressor based on max_depth
, evaluates its performance with a scatter plot, and visualizes the tree structure up to dt_vis_depth
using the plot_tree function.
This allows users to balance model complexity and interpretability, gaining insights into how different depths affect predictive accuracy and tree structure.
Make sure you execute this cell to enable the widget!
Show code cell source
# @markdown Make sure you execute this cell to enable the widget!
# Don't worry about understanding this code! It's to set up an interactive plot.
# Uncomment the code below to run the widget.
# Function to train decision tree and display scatter plot
def train_and_plot(max_depth, visualize_depth):
global dt_regressor, training_data
# Instantiate and train the decision tree regressor
dt_regressor = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=max_depth)
dt_regressor.fit(training_data, target)
# Calculate and print the score
score = dt_regressor.score(training_data, target)
print(f"Model Score: {score}")
print(f"Please wait for ~{visualize_depth+visualize_depth/2} sec for the figure to render")
# Generate scatter plot: Predicted vs. True Temperatures
predicted = dt_regressor.predict(training_data)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15+pow(1.3,visualize_depth), 6+pow(1.2,visualize_depth)), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 1+visualize_depth/4]})
# Scatter plot
axes[0].scatter(predicted, target, color='blue', alpha=0.7, label='Comparison of Predicted and True Temperatures', edgecolors='black')
axes[0].plot([min(target), max(target)], [min(target), max(target)], color='red', linestyle='--', label='Ideal Prediction Line')
axes[0].set_xlabel('Predicted Temperature (K)', fontsize=12)
axes[0].set_ylabel('True Temperature (K)', fontsize=12)
axes[0].set_title('Annual mean temperature anomaly', fontsize=14)
# Decision tree visualization
plot_tree(dt_regressor, feature_names=training_data.columns, filled=True, fontsize=8, max_depth=visualize_depth, ax=axes[1])
axes[1].set_title(f'Decision Tree Visualization (Train_max_depth = {max_depth}, dt_visualize_depth = {visualize_depth})')
# Interactive widget to control max_depth
# @widgets.interact(max_depth=(1, 31, 1), dt_vis_depth=(1, 10, 1))
# def visualize_tree_with_max_depth(max_depth=20, dt_vis_depth=3):
# train_and_plot(max_depth, dt_vis_depth)
Interactive Demo 2.1 Discussion#
How does changing the max_depth parameter affect the decision tree’s predictive accuracy and complexity?
What insights can be gained by visualizing the decision tree at different depths (dt_vis_depth)?
What patterns or trends do you observe in the residuals (differences between predicted and true temperatures) on the scatter plot? How can these insights guide adjustments to improve the model’s predictive accuracy?
# to_remove explanation
1. Adjusting the `max_depth` parameter influences the complexity of the decision tree model.
Increasing `max_depth` may lead to a more complex model that can capture intricate patterns in the training data,
potentially resulting in higher predictive accuracy. (However, as we will discuss in the next tutorial, this can also increase the risk of overfitting,
where the model learns noise in the training data instead of true patterns, leading to poor generalization to unseen data.)
2. Visualizing the decision tree at different depths (`dt_vis_depth`) provides insights into the hierarchy of features
and decision-making process within the model. Lower depths reveal high-level splits that capture broader patterns in the data,
while higher depths expose finer details and nuances. By adjusting `dt_vis_depth`,
users can focus on specific branches of the tree, uncovering key decision points and feature interactions.
This exploration helps in understanding how the model makes predictions and identifying influential features in the dataset.
3. By examining the scatter plot, we can identify any consistent patterns or trends in the residuals, indicating potential systematic errors
or biases in the model's predictions. These observations can inform adjustments to the model, such as incorporating additional features
or refining existing ones, to enhance its accuracy. Identifying outliers
or clusters of residuals also highlights areas where the model may struggle to generalize,
suggesting targeted improvements for better performance.
"\nDiscussion:\n1. Adjusting the `max_depth` parameter influences the complexity of the decision tree model.\nIncreasing `max_depth` may lead to a more complex model that can capture intricate patterns in the training data,\npotentially resulting in higher predictive accuracy. (However, as we will discuss in the next tutorial, this can also increase the risk of overfitting,\nwhere the model learns noise in the training data instead of true patterns, leading to poor generalization to unseen data.)\n\n2. Visualizing the decision tree at different depths (`dt_vis_depth`) provides insights into the hierarchy of features\nand decision-making process within the model. Lower depths reveal high-level splits that capture broader patterns in the data,\nwhile higher depths expose finer details and nuances. By adjusting `dt_vis_depth`,\nusers can focus on specific branches of the tree, uncovering key decision points and feature interactions.\nThis exploration helps in understanding how the model makes predictions and identifying influential features in the dataset.\n\n3. By examining the scatter plot, we can identify any consistent patterns or trends in the residuals, indicating potential systematic errors\nor biases in the model's predictions. These observations can inform adjustments to the model, such as incorporating additional features\nor refining existing ones, to enhance its accuracy. Identifying outliers\nor clusters of residuals also highlights areas where the model may struggle to generalize,\nsuggesting targeted improvements for better performance.\n"
Submit your feedback#
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# @title Submit your feedback
Section 2.2: Training the Random forest and Analyzing the Results#
Now we will train an ensemble of decisions trees, known as a random forest. For this we can use the built-in RandomForestRegressor
from the sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor, which we have already imported.
rf_regressor = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=random_state)
The line of code creates a random forest regressor object named rf_regressor
. This regressor is configured to use a specified random_state
parameter, ensuring that the random number generation process within the algorithm is consistent across different runs. This helps maintain reproducibility in our experiments and ensures consistent results.
Now you will train the model on our data and calculate its score on the same data. Create a plot like the one above in order to visually inspect its performance
Coding Exercise 2.2: Model Training and Performance Visualization of Ranodm Forest#
In this exercise, you will train a random forest regressor model on your data and evaluate its performance by calculating its score on the same data. Additionally, you will create a scatter plot to visually inspect its performance.
def fit_and_visualize_rf(training_data, target):
"""Fit a random forest regressor to the training data and visualize the results.
training_data (array-like): Input data for training the model.
target (array-like): Target variable for training the model.
## TODO for students: Fit the random forest regressor and visualize the results ##
# Remove the following line of code once you have completed the exercise:
raise NotImplementedError("Student exercise: Fit the random forest regressor and visualize the results.")
# fit the random forest regressor to the training data
_ = ...
# print the R-squared score of the model
_ = ...
# predict the target variable using the trained model
predicted = rf_regressor.predict(training_data)
# Create scatter plot
plt.scatter(predicted,target,color='b',label='Comparison of Predicted and True Temperatures')
plt.plot([0,4],[0,4],color='r', label='Ideal Line') # add a diagonal line for reference
plt.xlabel('Predicted Temperatures (K)')
plt.ylabel('True Temperatures (K)')
plt.title('Annual mean temperature anomaly')
# add a caption with adjusted y-coordinate to create space
caption_text = 'The anomalies are calculated by subtracting the annual means of the pre-industrial scenario from \nthe annual means of the respective scenario.'
plt.figtext(0.5, -0.03, caption_text, ha='center', fontsize=10) # adjusted y-coordinate to create space
# test your function
_ = fit_and_visualize_rf(training_data, target)
# to_remove solution
def fit_and_visualize_rf(training_data, target):
"""Fit a random forest regressor to the training data and visualize the results.
training_data (array-like): Input data for training the model.
target (array-like): Target variable for training the model.
# fit the random forest regressor to the training data
_ = rf_regressor.fit(training_data, target)
# print the R-squared score of the model
_ = print(rf_regressor.score(training_data, target))
# predict the target variable using the trained model
predicted = rf_regressor.predict(training_data)
# Create scatter plot
plt.scatter(predicted,target,color='b',label='Comparison of Predicted and True Temperatures')
plt.plot([0,4],[0,4],color='r', label='Ideal Line') # add a diagonal line for reference
plt.xlabel('Predicted Temperatures (K)')
plt.ylabel('True Temperatures (K)')
plt.title('Annual mean temperature anomaly')
# add a caption with adjusted y-coordinate to create space
caption_text = 'The anomalies are calculated by subtracting the annual means of the pre-industrial scenario from \nthe annual means of the respective scenario.'
plt.figtext(0.5, -0.03, caption_text, ha='center', fontsize=10) # adjusted y-coordinate to create space
# test your function
_ = fit_and_visualize_rf(training_data, target)
Submit your feedback#
Show code cell source
# @title Submit your feedback
It seems like our models are performing very well! Let’s think a bit more in the next tutorial about what else we should do to evaluate our models…
Estimated timing of tutorial: 35 minutes
In this tutorial, we delved into Random Forest Models and their application in climate prediction. We gained an understanding of regression and how Random Forests combine decision trees to improve predictive accuracy. Through practical exercises, we learned how to evaluate model performance and implement Random Forests using tools like scikit-learn.